Registration opens online August 1. Registration in the Social Hall is currently unavailable. Early Bird registration and price discounts end September 5. See link below to register.
These classes are currently offered online only (using Zoom) due to shelter in place restrictions. Students will be notified if, and when, it is possible to participate with in-person classes at The Center.
S = Spiritual Enrichment Course C = Core Curriculum
See online registration information for cut-off dates and times.
Class, Teacher
Day, Dates, Times
Life Goes On: The Wisdom of Howard Thurman Rev. Tara Steele and Lawrence Edwards, RScP
Tuesdays 9/14 – 10/5 3:30 – 5:30pm
For the Inward Journey, Howard Thurman (optional)
Early bird $75 Full pay $85
Consciousness: Key to Personal Spiritual Growth Rev. Tara Steele
Mondays 9/13 – 11/8 9:00 – 11:00am
Handouts and participant workbook will be provided.
$35/$75/$125 You choose
Ladder of Consciousness: Building Your Relationship With the Divine Rev. Siota Belle
Saturdays 10/30 – 11/20 9:30 – 11:30am
Handouts will be provided.
Early bird $75 Full Pay $85
Beginner’s Mind and Spiritual Study Kim Kaiser
Your Authentic and Innate Goodness Dr. Edward Viljoen
Tuesdays 11/2 – 11/16 8:30 – 10am
Ordinary Goodness, Edward Viljoen (optional)
Early bird $60 Full Pay $70
Self-Mastery Rev. Russ Legear
Tuesdays 9/7 – 11/9 6 – 9pm
The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz and Living the Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes
Early bird $200 Full Pay $220
**Advanced Spiritual Living Kathleen Kearney RScP, Rev. Ruth Barnhart, Rev Tara Steele and Rev Russ Legear
Mondays 9/13/21 – 4/25/22 6:30 – 9:30pm
See ‘Required Books’ list on the Advanced Spiritual Living page on this website
Tuition includes a non-refundable fee of $20 for each Spiritual Enrichment Course, $45 for each Core Class, and $100 for Advanced Spiritual Living when notified before class begins.
No refunds for Spiritual Enrichment Courses after the first meeting.
**Advanced Spiritual Living is a 30-class, 7-month program. Completion of a minimum of 6 specific core classes, application, and interview are required. Detailed information is available under the Classes > Advanced Spiritual Living tab on this website.
2075 Occidental Road Santa Rosa CA 95401
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Federal ID 94-2239294.