Scroll to the bottom of this page to see details and links for information on discounts, scholarships, and more.
B=Book Study; C=Core Curriculum; S=Spiritual Enrichment Course; W=Workshop
(B) How to Have Anti-Racist Conversations
Six-week book study with Hochima Treppa, LMFT, and Krista McAtee, RScP, begins on Thursday, January 23, from 7 to 8:30 pm on Zoom.
Fee: No charge or love offering. Choose an amount that works for you.
Click here to register.
(C) Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Six-week core class with Rev. Russ Legear begins in person and on Zoom Monday, January 27, from 6 to 8:30 pm.
Fee: $180. Discounts and scholarships available.
Click here to register.
(W) Radical Self-Love
Sunday, February 16 from 1 to 2 pm in person at the center.
Teacher: Krista McAtee, RScP
Fee: Sliding scale (pay what you feel called to pay ($25, $35, $45)
Click here to register.
(S) Forgiveness: A Path to Freedom and Inner Peace
Four-week spiritual enrichment course with Dr. Edward Viljoen, in person at the center and on also on Zoom, beginning Tuesday, February 18, from 6 to 7:30 pm.
Fee: Sliding scale. Pay what you feel called to pay ($50, $75, $100)
Click here to register.
(S) Understanding Trauma in Ourselves
Three-week spiritual enrichment course with Rev. Siota Belle and Jan Svoboda, RScP, on Zoom.
Begins Saturday, March 1 from 10 am to 12 noon.
Fee: Sliding scale. Pay what you feel called to pay ($40, 60, $80)
Click here to register.
(B) Belonging Without Othering: How We Save Ourselves and the World
Four-week book study with Rev. Tara Steele, on Zoom.
Begins Wednesday, March 5, from 11 am to 12:30 pm
Fee: Sliding Scale. Pay what you feel called to pay ($0, $10, $20, $30, $40)
Click here to register.
(C) Meditation is More Than You Think
Eight-week core class with Rev. Siota Belle, on Zoom.
Begins Thursday, March 6 from 6 to 8:30 pm.
Fee: $200 (discounts and scholarships available)
Click here to register.
Tuition includes a non-refundable fee $45 for each Core Class after the student begins the course. This fee is only refundable when notified of a refund-request before the first class begins.
No refunds for Book Studies or Workshops.
No refunds for Spiritual Enrichment Courses after the first meeting.
View Core Curriculum refund policy.
View Discounts, Scholarships, and Tuition Assistance information.
If you have any questions, contact us at