The Global Vision

The Global Vision of Centers for Spiritual Living

We envision a world …

Where all life is honored as expressions of the Divine

Where humanity awakens to spiritual magnificence

and rediscovers personal creative power

Where we live as one global family

Where kinship with all life prospers

Where unity and connection are emphasized

Where forgiveness is the norm
Where spiritual guidance is valued

Where we are called to conscious social action

Where people have enough food, homes,
and a sense of belonging

Where there is peace, harmony,
and justice
for all.

Where resources are valued,
cared for, and shared

Where communities are meaningfully involved

In service to the world,

Where there is a renewed emphasis on beauty, nature, creativity, art, and aesthetics

What is the Center for Spiritual Living?

We are a spiritual community dedicated to fostering global transformation through personal growth, grounded in the teaching and application of spiritual practices: affirmative prayer (spiritual mind treatment), meditation, selfless service, study, and the practice of spiritual circulation—giving, receiving, and appreciating.

We aspire to be a welcoming community.

All races are welcome here

All genders are welcome here

All spiritual paths are welcome here

All abilities are welcome here

All sexual orientations are welcome here

All income levels are welcome here

All nationalities are welcome here

“Know with me that you are never alone, that Spirit is right where you are, that you have only to look within at any moment to know that you are guided, sustained, and inspired by a Presence that expresses Itself in this world as you. In deepest gratitude, let us live our lives accordingly so that in everything we do, say, or think, we honor this Presence within all.”