Teacher Biography
After years of practicing and teaching meditation, Siota discovered the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa. Our philosophy and teaching was exactly what she was looking for. She has been an active licensed Prayer Practitioner since 2011. Siota graduated as a New Thought Minister from the Holmes Institute of Consciousness Studies in June, 2019. With a doctorate in Clinical Nutrition, her teaching experience includes classes at UC Santa Cruz, the Pacific Academy of Homeopathic Medicine, and Santa Rosa Junior College. She holds workshops in metaphysics, spirituality, and healing and offers training in Hawaiian Forgiveness – Ho’o pono pono. You can read her thoughts on healing and spirituality at www.siotabelle.blogspot.
Siota takes great joy empowering her students to discover the deepest truths for themselves so they can experience their full potential.
(707) 527-3650