Teacher Biography
Rev. Joyce Duffala, Ed.D., holds a doctorate in Multicultural Education (University of San Francisco, 1992), and has been an adult educator for over 30 years. She has taught at the University of San Francisco, the University of California, Berkeley, and San Francisco State University. She also has provided interpersonal communication workshops in the corporate sector, to organizations large and small. Joyce came to the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa, received her practitioner license in 2000, and graduated from the Holmes Institute and became a Minister of Religious Science in 2004.
Rev. Joyce has co-authored two books with Dr. Edward Viljoen: Seeing Good at Work, a guide to applying spiritual tools in the workplace, and The Five Pillars of Spiritual Practice. They have also collaborated in the production of the audio CD Rise in Joy, Sleep in Peace: Affirmative Words to Begin and End Your Day.
Joyce is profoundly grateful for the uplifting transformation of her life that has resulted from attending services and classes at the Center and has dedicated her life to making this philosophy of possibility available to others.
(707) 548-7398