Core Curriculum Fall 2020

Spiritual Principles and Practices*
Living a satisfying, spiritually grounded life takes practice, practice, practice. What methods can a person use to bring their life’s intention into focus? Through this course, you will explore the teaching of Science of Mind and how you can use its spiritual practices to bring more aliveness in your life. Practice, practice, practice, with us in an engaging online class experience and bring your life’s intention into clear focus.
*Beyond Limits equivalent
Textbook: This Thing Called You by Ernest Holmes

The Essential Ernest Holmes: Feeling the Heart Behind the Teaching
Essential Ernest covers a wide range of writings and talks by Holmes, from using the law, to worldly issues of racism, war, and injustice, to the mystical experience of the Divine that lives through us. We will use his teachings to address our personal challenges and learn how to meet the global situations we find ourselves in today. Following Holmes’s invitation, we will not just study his words but practice applying and embodying them. In the words of Holmes, “What the world needs is spiritual conviction followed by spiritual experience.” This is what opens us to a greater awareness of who we are, which then allows us to be a greater expression of peace and healing on our planet.
Textbook: The Essential Ernest Holmes edited by Jesse Jennings

Self-Mastery: The Emergence of the True Self
Have you ever wrestled with the impulse to react when you want to respond compassionately and calmly? Do you wonder what causes you to react in ways that leave you feeling dissatisfied? Do you have questions about integrity and compassionate communication? Do you sometimes wonder how to be a spiritual person in a practical world? This class is an inward journey exploring feelings, ego, relationships, and the process of personal change. With direct, practical advice from Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements, the work of Byron Katie and others, you will discover new ways to deepen human love, trust, and forgiveness.
Textbooks: The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes

Are you wondering what is yours to do with so many possibilities? Do you feel stuck and overwhelmed? One of the spiritual practices of Science of Mind is Visioning, opening to the wisdom within you. Michael Beckwith, the originator of the Visioning practice, says, “Visioning is a process by which we train ourselves to be able to hear, feel, see, and catch God’s plan for our life and for any particular project we’re working on.” Visioning encourages mystical awareness and connection. We will practice consciously shifting our perceptions and opening to the still small voice within. Let the inner ear listen to the voice of truth that is always speaking.—Ernest Holmes
Textbook: Life Visioning by Michael Bernard Beckwith