Our Nonprofit Partners


Our Nonprofit Partner Program is an outreach program of the Center. Each year since 2004 twelve nonprofit partners have been selected from nominations submitted by individuals in our spiritual community. Nonprofits may not nominate themselves. Nominations are received in the fall of each year.

A committee meets to review the nominations to make sure they have a nonprofit tax ID number and to ensure that the mission of the nonprofit is harmonious with the values and teachings of the Center. From the nominations, twelve are selected.

Each month, the Center sends a check to each of our 12 nonprofit partners. One-quarter of our annual 10% tithe money is set aside for our Nonprofit Partner Program.

The benefits of the program include connecting the individual givers of our community with programs in the world that resonate with our Center’s teaching, as well as continuing education for our community about ongoing good work being done in the world and the opportunities to volunteer for these organizations. Rather than duplicate the work already conducted by these organizations, we align ourselves with them and support their efforts in the world.

The Nonprofit Program selection process is not compelled by need, but by resonance with the teaching of our Center. In other words, we do not select organizations because they are underfunded, but because they are doing work in the world that leads to individual empowerment, expressions of compassion, sharing of resources where needed, the support of art and aesthetics, as well as other ideals expressed in the Global Vision of Centers for Spiritual Living.

Our nonprofit partners become a second family to us. We are connected spiritually with others who are doing good work in the world. We are truly living our principle of circulation and know this when our partners testify to the work they do as a result of our contributions. We are deeply grateful to our wonderful community for supporting our Center and these wonderful organizations.



Big Brothers and Big Sisters of the Bay Area, creating and supporting one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.

Catholic Charities Family Support Center, serving and advocating for vulnerable people of all cultures and beliefs with an emphasis on housing solutions, immigrant legal services, health and wellness, senior programs, and disaster recovery.

Common Ground Society, serving families who have loved ones with any sort of unique need while also educating our community on how to be inclusive.

Developing Communities, working with individuals and organizations in Nicaragua to help the people to improve their economic situation in both their community and their personal lives.

Emergency Prep Help, preparing residents for natural disasters and other emergencies.

Community Child Care Council (4Cs), providing access to quality childcare and early education in Sonoma County through advocacy, direct service, and empowerment.

Our Village Closet, committed to improving outcomes and building resiliency for youth and caregivers affected by foster/kinship care in Sonoma County by providing relevant, ongoing, no-cost supplies and support.

Pact Adoption Alliance, serving adopted children of color so that every child feels wanted, honored, and loved, as a cherished member of their communities with proud connections to their cultural heritage.

School on Wheels, providing free tutoring and mentoring to children from kindergarten through twelfth grade, living in shelters, motels, vehicles, group homes, and the streets of Southern California.

The Living Room, serving women and their children who are at risk for becoming homeless or who are experiencing homelessness in Sonoma County.

TLC Child and Family Services, serving vulnerable families during their greatest time of need by providing foster care and adoption services, a non-public high school, a short-term residential treatment program and young adult housing.

Vital Immigrant Defense and Advocacy Services (VIDAS), providing competent and compassionate legal immigration advocacy in the North Bay and beyond.